The newest model to our laser collection, The Clubmax 3400 is a punchy little full-colour RGB projector, packed with many useful features. This little unit excels on its own in academy size venues, or equally proves itself when combined with some of our bigger fixtures, bulking up and filling out the laser display with ease, to create some absolutely stunning looks.
This next generation of Laser projector has integrated FB4 features, allowing for easy DMX/ArtNet control via Lighting consoles, such as the MA2. In its simplest form, The FB4 system allows for use of over 1000+ preprogramed looks, ranging from striking beam chases, to slower more defined cones /flat waves, all in a multiple of colours. This quick select system is perfect for those load ins where time is of the essence, allowing you to get beams in the air as quick as possible.
New and improved scan-fail & safety systems come as standard, with multiple units being easily daisy chained, adapting to any size venue with ease. The improved E-STOP circuit also now keeps the inbuilt control interface running even if the E-Stop is activated, ensuring quick restart times of the laser display mid show.